
Something worth waiting for

On 14 October 2011, a melody in my ears said- WAIT. Love is sweetest when you have to wait for it. Just like a humming bird moves its wings, the butterflies in my stomach moves the same way. There, when I sit whole day and wait to hear your voice then I listen all the voices around me just to find a voice that is sweet as yours but a chirping bird, wind blowing through leaves of a tree, a bee buzzing on nearby flower are nothing in comparison to the words you whisper in my ears. Those words which make me smile the way that my eyes appear smaller. I am still waiting for that smile to come back on my face again.

my first attempt to write romance


haze said...

Oh, but you are good! Really good as a matter of fact. I love reading love posts. They always make me smile. :)

spark said...

thankyou (: